Prx race-9 showing the last-2 races for the 9 runners useing the Early pace chart also for BL we are doing the hole running line like this> #6 2nd race back 2.5-7.0-8.5-7.2=6.3 for Route races do NOT use STR call get race-9 PP's at Equibase for free
#1>180-179/ 6.3-2.5
#2>180-179/ 4.8-6.4
#3>165R-188/ 10.9-2.5
#5>182-184/ 4.1- .5
#6>186-181/ 3.8-6.3
#7>181-171/ 9.8- .3
#8>176-190/ 2.0-8.5
#9>180-191/ 1.1-3.7